Landscaping SEO Solutions

In the landscaping and lawn care industry, SEO for landscaping companies is the difference between winning & losing to your local competition. New and constantly improving online marketing features and user interfaces are making it easier for people to find your website. However, you do need to follow some very specific guidelines and structure your website in a “Google Friendly” manner. By implementing Search Engine Marketing for your landscaping company, more people will be able to see your business on the top pages of Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
SEO is a Necessary Extension of Your Company
Our SEO solutions for landscaping companies gives your company a wide range of resources, tools, and expertise to beat your competition. Since most companies in the landscaping industry have competitive websites, it is essential to have not only a good website, but a great one to stand out over the rest. We take a very in-depth look at your direct competitors to help us design a custom strategy with the highest chances of success.
Our Services
A great website generates leads for your business. If a website has great content with a consistent message your visitors will feel at home when they arrive. Great content helps you to develop links, while other websites love to link to great content.
Along with great content, social media efforts act as a “booster” for your website and can generate more leads for your company. A quality that is often overlooked is customer reviews/business reputation. “Reputation accounts for nearly 70% of a company’s overall value.” A great website with great reviews is what converts prospects into customers. You can bring your company’s reputation to a new height.
According to Andrey Lipattsev, Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google, high-quality content and link building are the two most important signals used by Google to rank your website for search. With this in mind, dentist orientated SEO Solutions can improve your rankings on both Google and Bing.
We keep ourselves well informed of the latest happenings in the world of search so that we can keep ourselves and our clients on the first pages of Google, Bing & Yahoo. Our clients have over 20,000 keywords ranking on the first page of major search engines like Google & Bing.
Google is not only encouraging but also creating Micro-moments. We recently tested non-branded keywords such as lawyers, dental clinics, restaurants & more on both mobile & PC. We noticed that almost 90% of times Google autocompleted it with “near me”.
"4 New Moments Every Marketer Should Know"

*Learn more about “near me” searches and micro-moments.

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Local SEO Infographic What To Do & What Not To Do
What Can We Do For You?
Our landscaping SEO Solutions provide your business with more awareness, more customers and improves your business’ outreach across the web. If your business is struggling or if you are looking to expand, SEO Solutions can help. With our extensive experience in the industry, we are knowledgeable of your needs and how to convert them into leads. We go above and beyond bringing traffic to your site by providing you with measurable results.
Access Your Data Anytime Anywhere.
The most intelligent marketing dashboard is included in your SEO campaign. This helps us save you time and provide you with the most up to date information via API (Application Program Interfaces) with Google Analytics, SEO Moz, Ahrefs, Facebook, Twitter and other great companies.
We also send you weekly, monthly and quarterly performance and activity reports. Access all of your reporting and a ton of other great digital marketing data 24/7 straight from your computer, tablet or phone!
Marketing Dashboard
What You Get.
- Weekly Keyword & SEO Activity Reports
- Form Analytics
- Mobile Analytics
- Online Lead Tracking
- Twitter & Facebook Analytics

- Online Reputation Monitoring
- AdWords Report
- Google Analytics
- Call Tracking
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Offer Limited to first 50 people (FREE Report) is worth $300